Tuesday 24 January 2012

Message From IYF

Hare Krishna
Please accept my humble obeisances.
ISKCON Youth Forum (IYF). With all humility, we would like to welcome you to the IYF and thank you for the interest shown. IYF in Pakistan is guided by His Grace Mohan Rup Das who is the Director of this forum.The key focus of IYF is to ensure personality development and channelise constructive efforts towarding making a difference to the life around us. But, the central theme to all this is Lord Krishna, his teachings and the lives and message of his pure devotees. Our founder Acharya Srila Prabhupad was very keen on youth driving the growth and revival of spirituality . To this end, youth like you who are well placed academically and professionally will be assets to IYF. We have about 80-100 youths, most of whom are either studying or employed. I personally work for a Media company.

We meet and have Classes from ancient Indian scriptures like Bhagavad Gita,Srimad Bhagavatam etc. Youth themselves give lectures though sometimes senior devotees share their realizations with us. We also have group discussions, quizzes, video shows, public speaking sessions, seminars on communication, mind control etc. Also, book distribution and Kirtan and lecture programs in Colleges, temples etc is an integral part of our routine and is a truly reinvigorating experience.

You can utilise this time to also discuss and have communicative association with youth with different realizations.

Your servant
Sandeep Kumar
00 92  333 33 83 83 2

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